Homes in High Rock (Staten Island) NY
/Nestled in Staten Island’s Greenbelt is a small enclave of very secluded homes in High Rock. Lots start at around 10,000 sq ft and go up to around an acre. Homes range in size from a 1,500 square foot cottage to a 10,000 square foot center hall colonial. The medium home sale price in High Rock, Staten Island is $573,529 in 2014. If you are looking for seclusion and complete privacy within commuting distance to Manhattan, NY, than you may want to consider a home in High Rock, Staten Island, NY
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High Rock Park is the cornerstone of the Greenbelt and one of the area’s most popular “Forever Wild” parks. High Rock was designated a National Environmental Education Landmark by the United States Department of the Interior in 1971.
High Rock Park contains five ponds and various wetlands, including Loosestrife Swamp located near the entrance gate. There are also hiking trails, where visitors can see stands of red maples (Acer rubrum), Highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum), and patches of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus). Wood ducks (Aix sponsa), Great blue herons (Ardrea herodias), and muskrats (Ondatra zibethica) all make their homes here along with hawks, owls, migrating colorful warblers, woodpeckers, frogs and turtles. Visitors can also climb Moses’ Mountain, a 260-foot man-made hill named for City builder and Parks Commissioner Robert Moses. The 360-degree panoramic view offered by the site is considered one of New York City’s most spectacular.
Long ago, American Indians utilized this fertile land for sustenance; British soldiers camped here in 1776 and in the nineteenth century, great parcels were tied to family estates.
A home in High Rock (Staten Island) NY is truly a unique place offering residents seclusion, privacy, and an abundance of outdoor activities right in your very own backyard.
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